Sunday, May 29, 2016

Get your #educampPALMY Digital Badge Here

If you attended #educampPALMY you can now get a digital badge to add to your professional learning portfolio.

What are digital badges?

Digital badges are evidenced-based certification of learning that, like paper-based certificates, provide a record of your achievements.  However digital badges offer so much more. Digital badges can link to ePortfolios and appraisals showcasing ongoing professional learning, be displayed over multiple online profiles and social media and can have evidence of learning and artefacts of learning attached.

There are many different levels of badges including badges that showcase your active learning and growth through attendance at events, undertaking mentoring or completing in-depth professional learning programmes.

Badges are stored in a digital ‘back-pack’ and individual badges can be displayed across your ePortfolios and online communities. The data, or evidence attached to the badge, is accessible from wherever the badge is displayed.

How to claim a digital badge

  • Participate in Educamp Palmy
  • Go to
  • log-in or register for an account
  • locate the Educamp Palmy 2016 Badge
  • confirm you participated and award yourself the badge

You can add notes to the badge if you want to add a hyperlink to a reflection, tweets or your ePortfolio. To do this, once the badge has been awarded, 
  • select Manage Badge,
  • select the 2016 Educamp Palmy badge
  • select Manage Badge,
  • select Notes then enter in the details you wish to attach to the badge.

Contact if you have any questions regarding the badge backpack.

Saturday, April 16, 2016


Welcome to #educampPALMY 2016.

When: Saturday 28 May - 10am to 3pm
Where: Riverdale School (95 Slacks Road)

Free Professional Learning at its Best!

Join with us in this opportunity to connect with other educators from the Lower North Island, grow your network and share in journeys and expertise from other teachers. 

The purpose of #educampPALMY 2016 is for educators to meet, discuss and collaborate about current areas of interest in education. This is not a didactic series of presentations - all are welcome to share and contribute. Those interested in sharing will briefly share their interest and focus at the SMACKDOWN which kicks off the day. You then vote for those that you are interested in attending and sharing in so it’s learning that is responsive to your voice!
Please note that a small koha is appreciated as it enables us to  cover costs of utilities, and provide refreshments and prizes.

Any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the organisers below.